Sunday, January 13, 2013

My First Testing Quote

Personal Quotes:
As I am a person from Software Testing, First quote begins with Error...

"Error Makes Terror"

This is my first Quote makes me interesting to think more and to write more like this....

As a software tester my love is always with bugs... this also resembles the future safety.... :) Think and go for it with out error

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Love on ME

Hi Friend,

Small introduction About myself..

Normal person searching for Happiness & Sad.
Wake up in morning and doing a routine job.... Some time I feel Happy else Sad.
Happy and Sad is not Just a word

Happy + Sad = LIFE

Sharing my life with Friends or Life partner then moment is started with Joy...

LIFE + Share = LOVE

L - Loss
O - Of
V - Valuable
E - Enemy

I started this blog to write my Special Heart and Mind findings.... This not blog related with Technology or Technical.... Its readers choice....

My life time special stories is never ENDS

Every one will have some personal feelings.... This is the place for me to share my interesting Feelings